Masquerade Costume/Performance Contest is where costuming and cosplay go to the next level! This is a competition based on performance and presentation. Prepare your best stage performance and your best costume to compete with some of the best cosplayers in the state!
To complete the Masquerade Costume/Performance Contest entry form, visit the Cosplay Info Booth at Booth #TBD. Scroll down to read information, rules, and regulations.
• Best Individual: $75 cash prize & Award Trophy
• Best Group: $75 cash prize & Award Trophy
• Best Junior / Youth: $50 cash prize & Award Medallion
• 2nd place – Individual: $50 cash prize & Award Medallion
• 2nd place – Group: $50 cash prize & Award Medallion
Contestants can enter as individuals or as a group and will be judged based on stage performance and costumes. Think of it as a costume talent show; more than just a cosplay contest, this is your chance to put on a performance as the character(s) you are portraying!
AWARDS: All awards, with the exception of the Con Chair Spotlight and Judges’ Awards, will be chosen by majority vote of the Judging Committee. The Con Chair Spotlight will be chosen by the Convention Chairman at his discretion. Judges’ Awards will be chosen by the individual judges.
1. One entry per person. No separate entries from the same person. If you enter as part of a group, you may not enter as an individual. If you enter as an individual, you may not enter as part of a group. Groups are limited to a maximum of 12 individuals on stage at the same time.
2. The competition is limited to 50 entries, with no exceptions. If you wish to compete, you may pre-register online via the Masquerade Contest Entry Form or register on-site at the COSPLAY INFO BOOTH, in the Exhibition Hall. There is a limit of 30 entries that will be accepted in advance. We will close the form when that number has been reached. The additional 20 spots will be held for people to enter at the convention. Any of the 30 advance slots not already reserved will be open at the convention in addition to the 20 already available. Once the roster of 50 entries is filled, additional entrants will be offered will call slots in the event of a no show, on a first-come, first-serve basis. All pre-registered attendees MUST check-in at the Cosplay Info Booth by Sunday at 4:00pm or you will lose your spot, which will be given to one of the will call entries. There are NO exceptions to this rule.
3. There is a performance time limit of 90 seconds for individuals and 3 minutes for groups.
4. When you check-in at the COSPLAY INFO BOOTH, in the Exhibition Hall, the staff at the table will log you in as an entrant, read your form, and help you (if necessary) in composing the best announcement for your entrance. They will also need any audio CD that you wish to use in your performance at that time. There is no pre-judging. You will be given instructions on where to meet for roll call at the registration desk. Roll call will be at 45 minutes before the start of the contest.
5. NO microphones may be used by the contestants. All vocals and music must be pre-recorded on a CD with the exception of a written emcee introduction. Contestants need to be aware that anything spoken onstage, without amplification, cannot be heard in the room, or even at the judges’ table located directly in front of the stage. To have music or dialog accompany your presentation, you must pre-record it on a CD and you MUST bring the CD when you register so that the track can be reviewed and loaded into our system. Your CD will be kept by the staff in case the track has to be re-copied. On your tech sheet, you will indicate when the track is to be played during your performance. Untested, unapproved, new, or changed CDs will not be accepted after registration has closed. We can use CDs with any music, dialogue, etc. that you wish, as long as there is no profanity.
6. If you have won an award at another major convention prior to 2023/2024 with the same performance/costume(s), you will be disqualified. It’s a new year, time for a new performance. You may enter if you have won an award at another major convention in 2023/2024 with the same performance/costume(s).
7. No Nudity. This contest will contain younger contestants. All costumes/skits must be PG-13, PG, or G.
8. No bad behavior. You know what that means. No trash talking, sabotage, or poor sportsmanship. Improper behavior will get you removed from the competition and possibly the convention. Remember, we’re all here to have fun.
9. No harmful or potentially harmful materials will be allowed. This includes, but is not limited to: water, cigarettes, flames, fireworks, silly string, and any other substance that can be fired, launched, or dripped.
10. WEAPONS POLICY: You may pose with your weapon at the costume competition, however, there is to be no waving of weapons around so that there can be an accident. It’s never planned for someone to get hurt… that’s why they call them accidents.
11. IMPRESS US! This is a competition based on performance and costume. The more the judges and audience are entertained and impressed, the greater chance you have to WIN!
12. Please note that winners of cash prizes of $600 or over will be required to fill out a W9 on site. Anyone who cannot complete a W9 or have a parent complete a W9 on-site may have to wait until one is able to be completed before receiving their prize.
How do I sign up for the contest?
There are two ways to register for the competition:
(1) Register Online. Please complete the Masquerade Costume/Performance Contest entry form. You will receive an email confirmation with your contestant number. When you get to the show, you will need to sign in at the COSPLAY INFO BOOTH, where you will be given further instructions. You must check in by 4:00pm on Sunday. We will accept a maximum of 30 registrations via online entry. The online entry cut-off is MAY 5, 2025 at midnight.
(2) Register at the convention. Participants will be able to sign up for the contest at the COSPLAY INFO BOOTH #TBD, located in the Exhibition Hall. Fill out and return the entry form to the registration table. You will be given a contestant # and further information. Everyone must be signed in and all forms must be handed in by 4:00pm on Sunday.
Roll Call: All entrants must show up 45 minutes prior to the competition for roll call at Booth #TBD
If you have any questions, please e-mail us at